Friday, March 27, 2009

Why is anyone ever bored?

This afternoon I went to an art museum and looked at several exhibits; the one I liked best was of the art of Walter Wick, the man who did the I Spy series. On the way home I stopped by a bookstore, spent a little time just looking at all the books, then bought a Book of Mormon in Arabic, The Queen of Attolia, and The King of Attolia. This evening I went to a planetarium show, in which the presenters combined scripture and science. It was beautiful, and such was its nature that, combined with my afternoon, on the way home I was in a thoughtful frame of mind, and I realized that boredom is an insult not only to humanity and its centuries of accumulated knowledge, but even more so to the Eternal Creator, the extent of whose knowledge is incomprehensible to our finite minds. How can anyone ever be bored with so much to learn?